09:00 - 17:00
Online booking for this seminar is now closed. To be added to the waiting list for consideration in the case of cancellation please email
Sapphire Meeting and Training FacilitiesColeshill Manor, South Drive, Coleshill, West Midlands, B46 1DL
Masonry is one of the key construction materials used in the UK and is used both as a loadbearing material and as a cladding to framed structures. Brick and block masonry remain the primary construction materials for houses in the UK and are used extensively in buildings of all types. This course is a stand alone updating event for those requiring more detailed knowledge of the changes that will occur in masonry design following the introduction of Eurocode 6. It provides an overview of the changes in both the design procedures and supporting documents resulting from the introduction of the new European Codes and Standards and compares the new requirements with the existing British Standards such as BS 5628.