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What is concrete
Ready-mixed concrete
Cementitious materials
Calcined clay
Visual concrete
Exposed concrete floors
Visual blockwork and masonry
Visual in-situ concrete
Visual precast concrete
Special concrete
High strength concrete
High workability concrete
Lightweight concrete
No-fines concrete
Roller-compacted concrete
Self-compacting concrete (SCC)
Sprayed concrete
Water-resistant concrete
Innovative concrete
EUREKA Project
Self healing anti corrosion concrete
Circle Permeable Concrete
Essential homes
3D printed concrete at Loughborough Uni
3D printed two-storey home
Bio blocks create marine habitats
Bioreceptive concrete supports biodiversity
BioZeroc microbe concrete
Cambridge Electric Cement
Carbon capture algae
Cement from concrete demolition waste
Cement-based batteries
Charcoal concrete
Graphene concrete
Kiacrete permeable paving
Mumbles sea hive project
Recycled concrete paste
Robotic formwork
Sector progress to reduce carbon
Self-healing concrete
Seratech an olivine based technology
'Smart' concrete
Striatus 3D printed concrete
CE marking and concrete
National Structural Concrete Specification (NSCS)
Structural design
Building elements
Transfer slabs
Eurocode 0 and 1
External hardstanding
Marine and coastal
Offshore wind: concrete gravity foundations
Onshore wind energy
Building regulations
Part L1, SAP and TFEE
Overheating and Part O
Eurocode 2: concrete
Standards and PAS
Standards for cement, aggregates, admixtures
Standards for concrete, BS 8500
Standards for precast concrete
Standards for reinforcement
Standards for workmanship and temporary works
Building sectors
Car parks
Industrial buildings - sheds
Residential: high-rise
Residential: low-rise
Eurocode 6: masonry
Environmental assessments
BES 6001 and Responsible Sourcing
BREEAM and BRE Assessment Methods
EPDs and EN 15804
Framed buildings
Hybrid concrete construction
Modern methods of construction (MMC)
Performance & sustainability
Acoustic performance
Thermal mass
Overheating and Part O
Providing enough thermal mass in air conditioned buildings
Providing enough thermal mass in naturally ventilated buildings
Surface emissivity - why this matters
Thermal mass and Design-Side Response (DSR)
Thermal mass and whole-life carbon
Fire resistance
Whole life carbon
Carbonation of concrete
Embodied carbon
Embodied carbon of structural frames
Low carbon concrete
Low energy buildings
Whole-life carbon and buildings
Circular economy
Recycling concrete
Recycled content in concrete
Flood resilience
Property level flood resilience
Vibration control
Cost & programme
Local material
Concrete and biophilic design
Ecology and biodiversity
Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance
Annual Performance Reporting
Responsibly sourced concrete and BES 6001
Resource efficiency action plans (REAPs)
UK Concrete Roadmap to Beyond Net Zero
Case studies
Concrete Quarterly magazine
Events & training
Events & training hub
Practice presentations & workshops
Fresh Concrete Series 2024
Fresh Concrete Series 2023
Fresh Concrete Series 2022
Sustainability Series 2024
Week 1: Measuring and reporting carbon
Week 2: Lower carbon concrete technology
Week 3: Concrete's role in a circular economy
Week 4: Sustainability - beyond carbon
Sustainability Series 2023
Sustainability Series 2022
Futurebuild 2025
On-demand webinar hub
Specifying Sustainable Concrete
Concrete Futures
CQ archive
Design tools and software
Cost and Carbon: Concept V5
RC Spreadsheets: V4D
Dynamic thermal properties
Passive design assistant
Publications library
Resources for students and lecturers
Architecture resources
Student Design and Sustainability Competition
Engineering resources
Structural Concrete Competition
Concrete Compass
Climate change resilience
Health and wellbeing
Energy efficient buildings
Eurocode 2
Low carbon concrete
Market benchmarking
Material efficiency
Circular economy
Offsite concrete construction
Site map
Site map
What is concrete
Ready-mixed concrete
Cementitious materials
Calcined clay
Aggregates used in Concrete – Definitions
National planning policy framework
Special concrete
High strength concrete
High workability concrete
Lightweight concrete
No-fines concrete
Roller-compacted concrete
Self-compacting concrete (SCC)
Sprayed concrete
Water-resistant concrete
Innovative concrete
EUREKA Project
Self healing anti corrosion concrete
Circle Permeable Concrete
Essential homes
3D printed concrete at Loughborough Uni
3D printed two-storey home
Bio blocks create marine habitats
Bioreceptive concrete supports biodiversity
BioZeroc microbe concrete
Cambridge Electric Cement
Carbon capture algae
Cement from concrete demolition waste
Cement-based batteries
Charcoal concrete
Graphene concrete
Kiacrete permeable paving
Mumbles sea hive project
Recycled concrete paste
Robotic formwork
Sector progress to reduce carbon
Self-healing concrete
Seratech an olivine based technology
'Smart' concrete
Striatus 3D printed concrete
CE marking and concrete
CE marking for engineers
CE marking of manufactured stone masonry units and cast
Concrete and NANDO
National Structural Concrete Specification (NSCS)
Visual concrete
Exposed concrete floors
Visual concrete example projects
Visual blockwork and masonry
Visual in-situ concrete
Formwork for visual concrete
Workmanship for visual concrete
Visual precast concrete
Structural design
Building elements
Flat slabs
Floor screeds
Hollowcore slabs
Post-tensioned (PT) slabs
Ribbed and waffle slabs
Horizontal panel systems
System column formwork
Table-form or flying-form
Vertical panel systems
Remediation of brownfield land
Retaining walls
Soil stabilisation and solidification
Insulating concrete formwork
Thin joint blockwork
Tilt-up construction
Tunnel form
Transfer slabs
Building regulations
Part L1, SAP and TFEE
Overheating and Part O
Building sectors
Car parks
Industrial buildings - sheds
Residential: high-rise
Residential: low-rise
Basements for housing
Designing resilient homes
Overheating and Part O
Environmental assessments
BES 6001 and Responsible Sourcing
BREEAM and BRE Assessment Methods
Code for sustainable homes
Green guide to specification
Home Quality Mark (HQM)
EPDs and EN 15804
Eurocode 0 and 1
Eurocode 2: concrete
2nd generation Eurocode 2
Using 2nd generation Eurocode 2
Background to Eurocode 2
Design aids for determining deflection
Eurocode 2 for bridges
Eurocode 2 FAQs
Eurocode 2 resources
Flat slabs
Bending and axial force
Design aids for flexural reinforcement
Punching shear
Design aids for shear reinforcement
Structural fire design
Strut and tie
Eurocode 6: masonry
Framed buildings
Hybrid concrete construction
Modern methods of construction (MMC)
In-situ concrete
Bridge types
External hardstanding
Block paving
Permeable block pavements
Pervious concrete
Guided busways
Operational carbon emissions
Safety barrier
Marine and coastal
Offshore wind: concrete gravity foundations
Concrete gravity foundation solutions
Research: concrete gravity foundations
Onshore wind energy
Standards and PAS
Standards for cement, aggregates, admixtures
Standards for concrete, BS 8500
BS 8500 FAQs
Standards for precast concrete
Standards for reinforcement
Standards for workmanship and temporary works
Performance & sustainability
Acoustic performance
Circular economy
Recycling concrete
Recycled content in concrete
Cost & programme
Cost Model Studies
Fire resistance
Flood resilience
Property level flood resilience
Local material
Concrete and biophilic design
Ecology and biodiversity
Thermal mass
Overheating and Part O
Providing enough thermal mass in air conditioned buildings
Providing enough thermal mass in naturally ventilated buildings
Surface emissivity - why this matters
Thermal mass and Design-Side Response (DSR)
Thermal mass and whole-life carbon
Whole life carbon
Carbonation of concrete
Embodied carbon
Embodied carbon of structural frames
Low carbon concrete
Low energy buildings
Whole-life carbon and buildings
Vibration control
Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance
Annual Performance Reporting
Responsibly sourced concrete and BES 6001
Resource efficiency action plans (REAPs)
UK Concrete Roadmap to Beyond Net Zero
Case studies
Events & training
Events & training hub
Achieving cast in situ visual concrete
Advanced design to Eurocode 2
Carbon terminology explained - an update
Circular economy: strategies for concrete buildings
CIRIA C766 and the control of cracking
Compressive strength: Assessing in-situ concrete
Concept v4 software: How to use
Concrete and masonry dwellings - Part L 2021
Concrete Frames Explained
Concrete Futures lecture: Embracing ecological principles in infrastructure design
Concrete Futures: Carbon negative cementitious material, 3D printing and graphene-enhanced admixture
Creating concrete with a natural appearance
Decarbonising UK Cement and Concrete
Design and Detailing to Eurocode 2
Designing high-rise residential buildings in concrete
Developments in structural codes and standards
Energy-efficient design using concrete and masonry
Exposing concrete structure: A material efficient and low carbon strategy
Fire and the building regulations
Fire resistance for property and life safety
Formwork for ribbed and waffle slabs
Fresh Concrete 1: CarbonBuilt
Fresh Concrete 1: CarbonCure
Fresh Concrete 2: De & Re-constructible modular concrete structures
Fresh Concrete 2: Low carbon 3D printed concrete
Fresh Concrete 2023: Growing concrete
Fresh Concrete 2023: Low carbon 3D-printed concrete structural beams
Fresh Concrete 2023: Low carbon magnesium-based concrete
Fresh Concrete 2023: Shaping better places - Creating habitat for biodiversity using concrete
Fresh Concrete 2024: Accelerating deployment of innovation for a net zero future
Fresh Concrete 2024: Electrifying cement production to avoid carbon emissions
Fresh Concrete 2024: Vascular delivery system for self-healing concrete
Fresh Concrete 3: Low carbon, self-healing concrete
Fresh Concrete 3: Recharging electric vehicles using concrete
Fresh Concrete 4: Digitised Concrete
Fresh Concrete 4: Graphene-enhanced concrete
Fuel switching
Healthy, resilient homes and buildings
How to: TCC13 punching shear spreadsheet
How to: TCC53 column design spreadsheet
How to: TCC82 pile cap design spreadsheet
Innovative Concrete: Advancements in Housing Solutions
Introduction to Eurocode 2
Introduction to factsheet 18: Embodied CO2e of UK cement
Introduction to Visual Concrete
Low carbon cements
Lower carbon concretes in BS 8500:2023
MPA Sector EPDs for cement and ready-mixed concrete
Overheating and Part O
Overheating in housing
Passivhaus projects in concrete
Planning a basement for housing
Post-tensioned (PT) concrete floors
Precast concrete - A sustainability update
Rebar detailing to Eurocode 2
Rethinking concrete flood defences
Ribbed and waffle slabs - Structural design and detailing
Session 1: Making better use of recycled concrete demolition waste: Context
Session 2: Making better use of recycled concrete demolition waste: Exploring new uses
Session 3: Making better use of recycled concrete demolition waste: Unlocking progress
Specifying durable, lower carbon concrete
Supporting biodiversity and nature using concrete
Sustainability Series: Carbon capture in the cement sector (Week 4)
Sustainability Series: Concrete decarbonisation through collaboration (week 1)
Sustainability Series: Detailing thermal performance (Week 4)
Sustainability Series: Developing concrete to support a more circular economy (Week 3)
Sustainability Series: Energy efficient homes – some contemporary solutions (Week 3)
Sustainability Series: High Performance Masonry Housing (Week 6)
Sustainability Series: Lean and material efficient design (Week 2)
Sustainability Series: Low Carbon Precast Concrete and Masonry (Week 6)
Sustainability Series: Lower Carbon Concretes – Revision of BS 8500 (Week 3)
Sustainability Series: Modular concrete: recent leaner and lower carbon developments (Week 2)
Sustainability Series: Precast Concrete: Durability, resilience and circular economy (Week 6)
Sustainability Series: Reuse and design for reuse of concrete structures (Week 5)
Sustainability Series: Sustainability - beyond carbon (Week 4)
Sustainability Series: The changing landscape of Supplementary Cementitious Materials (Week 2, P1)
Sustainability Series: The changing landscape of Supplementary Cementitious Materials (Week 2, P2)
Sustainability Series: UK Concrete Industry Sustainable Construction Strategy (Week 6)
Sustainable schools
The Built-in Benefits of Masonry Homes
The Concrete Centre: A quick guide to resources
The Concrete Centre: Resources for structural engineers
The evolution of concrete architecture from a circular economy perspective
Thermal mass explained
Understanding and implementing second generation Eurocode 2
Understanding the embodied carbon of homes using the Future Homes Hub WLC tool
Visual concrete: Achieving texture, colour and pattern
Visual Concrete: Formwork
Wholelife carbon and buildings
Fresh Concrete Series 2024
Fresh Concrete Series 2023
Fresh Concrete Series 2022
Futurebuild 2025
On-demand webinar hub
Practice presentations & workshops
Archive- Pivotal
Achieving Visual Concrete (Edinburgh)
Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
Architectural Precast Solutions (Manchester)
Basements (London)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Kendal)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Derby)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Godalming)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (London)
Concrete Elegance: Sustainable Architecture in Practice (London)
Concrete in Landscape Architecture (Loughton)
Design of Concrete Bridges to Eurocodes (Bradford)
Design of Concrete Bridges to Eurocodes (Leeds)
Finite Element Design (London)
Flat Slabs (York)
Insulating Concrete Formwork (Loughton)
Specifying Concrete in Aggressive Ground (London)
The Code for Sustainable Homes (Brighton)
The Code for Sustainable Homes (London)
The Code for Sustainable Homes (London)
The Sustainability Credentials of Concrete (London)
The Sustainability Credentials of Concrete (Manchester)
Utilisation of Thermal Mass (London)
Achieving Visual Concrete & Post Tensioned Slabs (London)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (London)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Bristol)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Cheadle)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (London)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Sheffield)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (WARRINGTON)
Economic Concrete Framed Buildings (Cardiff)
High Rise Buildings (Hove)
How to Specify Durable Sustainable Concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (LONDON)
Insulating Concrete Formwork Construction (Manchester)
Introduction to Walling Systems (Northampton)
Specifying Concrete in Aggressive Ground (Lingfield)
The Code for Sustainable Homes - Energy Solutions (Henley On Thames)
The Code for Sustainable Homes - Energy Solutions (London)
The Code for Sustainable Homes - Energy Solutions (London)
The Sustainability Credentials of Concrete (LONDON)
The Sustainability Credentials of Concrete (London)
The Sustainability Credentials of Concrete (London)
Utilisation of Thermal Mass (London)
Utilisation of Thermal Mass (London)
Accommodating movements in concrete structures (London)
Achieving visual concrete (London)
Achieving Visual Concrete (LONDON)
Architectural Precast Solutions (Liverpool)
Basements for Housing (Hove)
Building design to Eurocode 2 (Slough)
Building Design to Eurocode 2: theory and background to the UK Annex (London)
Concrete Elegance: Learning spaces (London)
Design of Concrete Bridges to Eurocodes (Leicester)
Design of Concrete Bridges to Eurocodes (MANCHESTER)
Designing Deflections in Concrete Slabs and Beams (London)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshops for Building Designers (GLASGOW)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshops for Building Designers (Wilmslow)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshops for Building Designers (Worcester)
Formwork systems (Newcastle upon Tyne)
Gravity Bases for Offshore Windpower Delivery Solutions (London)
How to Specify Durable Sustainable Concrete to BS 8500-1:2006 (Godalming)
Introduction to Flooring Systems (London)
Introduction to Walling Systems (London)
Modern Design of Low-rise Domestic Buildings (London)
The Code for Sustainable Homes - energy solutions (Bournemouth)
The Code for Sustainable Homes - Energy Solutions (Milnthorpe)
The code for sustainable homes - energy solutions (South Shields)
The Sustainability Credentials of Concrete (Sheffield)
The sustainability credentials of concrete (Cardiff)
The Sustainability Credentials of Concrete (Cardiff)
The Sustainability Credentials of Concrete (Chester)
The Sustainability Credentials of Concrete (Gloucester)
The Sustainability Credentials of Concrete (London)
Achieving visual concrete (Lewes)
Achieving visual concrete (London)
Basements for Housing (London)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Brighouse)
Building design to Eurocode 2 (London)
Building design to Eurocode 2 (London)
Close Up Design and Detail of Concrete Buildings – Practical guidance for sustainable construction (
Close Up Design and Detail of Concrete Buildings – Practical guidance for sustainable construction (
Concrete Elegance: Materiality and form (London)
Design of Concrete Bridges to Eurocodes (London)
Design of Concrete Bridges to Eurocodes (Trowbridge)
Economic concrete framed buildings (London)
Eurocode 2 (Croydon)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshops for Building Designers (Bristol)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshops for Building Designers (Hull)
Fast Track Structures for Cellular Buildings (London)
Flat Slabs (Basingstoke)
Flat slabs (London)
Insulating Concrete Formwork construction (Sheffield)
Landscape architecture (London)
Post-tensioned Concrete Suspended Slabs (London)
Sustainability in the Built Environment (London)
The Code for Sustainable Homes - case studies (Liverpool)
The Code for Sustainable Homes - energy solutions /The sustainability credentials of concrete (STEVE
Utilisation of Thermal Mass (London)
Utilisation of thermal mass (Manchester)
Utilisation of thermal mass (Newcastle upon Tyne)
Achieving visual concrete (London)
Architectural precast solutions & Schools (Newcastle upon Tyne)
Basements for housing (London)
Buildidng design to Eurocode 2 (Stratford-upon-Avon)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Birmingham)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Guildford)
Building design to Eurocode 2 (Nottingham)
Building design to Eurocode 2 (York)
Building Design to Eurocode 2: theory and hands-on workshop (London)
Design and Construction of Basements for Dwellings (London)
Economic concrete framed buildings (London)
Energy efficient buildings – minimising in use energy and embodied CO2 (LONDON)
Eurocode 2 - introduction (Basingstoke)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshop (LONDON)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshop for Building Designers (Harrow)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshops for Building Designers (Leeds)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshops for Building Designers (LONDON)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshops for Builidng Designers (MANCHESTER)
Eurocodes for concrete structures – are you ready? (London)
Flat slabs (London)
How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (London)
Introduction to flooring systems (London)
Introduction to walling systems (Oxford)
Modern Design of Low-rise Domestic Buildings (London)
The code for sustainable homes - energy solutions & the code for sustainable homes - case studies (L
The Code for Sustainable Homes - energy solutions (LONDON)
The sustainability credentials of concrete (London)
Utilisation of thermal mass (London)
Accommodating movements in concrete structures (London)
Achieving visual concrete & How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (London)
Background to Eurocode 2, including liquid retaining structures (LONDON)
Building design to Eurocode 2 ( )
Building design to Eurocode 2 (BIRMINGHAM)
Building design to Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
Building design to Eurocode 2 (Newcastle upon Tyne)
Deep Basements for High-rise Buildings (London)
Design of Concrete Bridges to Eurocodes (Basingstoke)
Design of Concrete Bridges to Eurocodes (Welwyn Garden City)
Designing for Deflections in Concrete Slabs and Beams (London)
Economic concrete framed buildings and Basements (Croydon)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshops for Building Designers (Bristol)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshops for Building Designers (Glasgow)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshops for Building Designers (LONDON)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshops for Building Designers (ST ALBANS)
How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (ESHER)
How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (Lingfield)
Increasing the Use of Concrete in Buildings: A Workshop for the Industry (Birmingham)
National Structural Concrete Specification - Launch of the 4th edition (London)
Post-tensioned Concrete Suspended Slabs (London)
Schools, The sustainability credentials of concrete,Post-tensioned slabs (HOVE)
The sustainability credentials of concrete (Edinburgh)
The sustainability credentials of concrete (London)
The sustainability credentials of concrete (London)
The sustainability credentials of concrete andThe code for Sustainable Homes - energy solutions (New
Workshop - Eurocode 2 & BS8500 (Birmingham)
Achieving visual concrete (BIRMINGHAM)
Achieving visual concrete (London)
Achieving visual concrete (LONDON)
Architectural precast solutions (Bury)
Building design to Eurocode 2 (Hatfield)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (London)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (PM) (London)
Building Design to Eurocode 2: theory and background to the UK Annex (London)
Design of Concrete Bridges to Eurocodes (London)
Economic concrete framed buildings (Edinburgh)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshops for Building Designers (Bath)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshops for Building Designers (Manchester)
Eurocode 2 with Design Workshops for Building Designers (Wakefield)
Flat slabs (LONDON)
How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (Birmingham)
Utilisation of Thermal Mass (Leeds)
Achieving visual concrete (London)
Building design to Eurocode 2 (London)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Warrington)
Hospitals (London)
How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (Derby)
The sustainability credentials of concrete (Liverpool)
The sustainability credentials of concrete (Warrington)
Tunnel form construction (Salford)
Achieving visual concrete (Cardiff)
Architectural precast solutions (BOLTON)
Architectural precast solutions (Glasgow)
Architectural precast solutions (Leeds)
Architectural precast solutions (Manchester)
Building design to Eurocode 2 (Hemel Hempstead)
Building design to Eurocode 2 (Leeds)
Concrete Elegance: Museums and Galleries (London)
Darwin Centre: Exploring Concrete (London)
Eurocodes for concrete structures - are you ready? (London)
Fundamentals of concrete technology and Self-compacting concrete (Durham)
How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS 85001-1:2006 (Durham)
How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (Basingstoke)
Insulating Concrete Formwork (Manchester)
The Code for Sustainable Homes - case studies (Manchester)
Utilisation of thermal mass (Warrington)
Achieving visual concrete (Bristol)
Architectural precast solutions (Glasgow)
Arhitectural precast solutions (Manchester)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Altrincham)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Liverpool)
Building design to Eurocode 2 (London)
Building design to Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
Concrete Elegance: Meeting Places and Music Spaces (London)
Energy efficient buildings - minimising in use and embodied CO2 (Manchester)
Energy Efficient Buildings (London)
How to specify Durable/Sustainable Concrete (WARRINGTON)
Introduction to Designing Buildings with Eurocode 2 (Glasgow)
Introduction to Designing Buildings with Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
Modern methods of Residential Building in Concrete (Liverpool)
Specifying Low Carbon Buildings (London)
Sustainability credentials of concrete (Leeds)
The sustainability credentials of concrete (Edinburgh)
Utilisation of Thermal Mass & Embodied Energy (London)
Utilisation of Thermal Mass and Embodied Energy (London)
Achieving Visual Concrete (Bristol)
Achieving Visual Concrete (Harrow)
Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
Achieving Visual Concrete (Manchester)
Achieving Visual Concrete (Wakefield)
Architectural Precast Solutions (Huddersfield (HD1))
Architectural Precast Solutions (Liverpool)
Architectural Precast Solutions (Manchester)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Bristol)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Cardiff)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (London)
Economic Concrete Framed Buildings (Wilmslow)
Energy efficient buildings - minimising in use energy and embodied CO2 (London)
Fast Track Structures for Cellular Buildings (Manchester)
Hospitals (Basingstoke)
How to specify furable/sustainable concrete to BS 8500-1:2006 (London)
Introduction to designing buildings with Eurocode 2 (Glasgow)
Introduction to designing buildings with Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
Introduction to designing buildings with Eurocode 2 (Newark)
Principles of good site practice and Cold/hot weather concreting (Hatfield)
Sustainable Credentials of Concrete (London)
The code for Sustainable Homes - energy solutions (London)
Utilisation of Thermal Mass (Edinburgh)
Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
Concrete Solutions for Offshore Wind Farms - 1m wide EXHIBITION STAND (London)
Concrete Solutions for Offshore Wind Farms - 2m wide EXHIBITION STAND (London)
Concrete Solutions for Offshore Wind Farms - 3m wide EXHIBITION STAND (London)
Concrete Solutions for Offshore Wind Farms - FREE DELEGATE PLACE (London)
Concrete Solutions for Offshore Wind Farms (London)
Concrete Solutions for Offshore Wind Farms (London)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (Godalming)
SU2 - Utilisation of Thermal Mass (London)
The Code for Sustainable Homes - Case Studies (Manchester)
Utilisation of thermal mass (London)
Utilising thermal mass (London)
AR3 - Architectural Precast Solutions (Liverpool)
AR3 - Architectural Precast Solutions (Sheffield)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (London)
B16 - Introduction to NSCS (ST ALBANS)
Concrete Elegance: A Confection of Concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
Introduction to designing buildings with Eurocode 2 (Bath)
Introduction to designing buildings with Eurocode 2 (Dublin)
Introduction to designing buildings with Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
Introduction to designing buildings with Eurocode 2 (Wakefield)
Parliamentary Reception (London)
SP1 - How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS 8500-1: 2006 (Stockton-on-Tees)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (London)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (London)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (Manchester)
SU1 & AR10 - Sustainable Credentials of Concrete & Landscape Architecture (Kingston upon Thames)
SU2 - Utilisation of Thermal Mass (Leeds)
SU2 - Utilisation of Thermal Mass (Manchester)
AR2 - The Code for Sustainable Homes - Case studies (Liverpool)
AR2 - The Code for Sustainable Homes - Case studies (Wilmslow)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (Brighouse)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (Leeds)
B4 - Post-tensioned slabs (Birmingham)
B4 - Post-tensioned slabs (Cardiff)
B4 - Post-tensioned slabs (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
Introduction to designing buildings with Eurocode 2 (Newark)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (Edinburgh)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (Glasgow)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (London)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (London)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (London)
SU1 & SU2 - The sustainability credentials of concrete & Utilisation of thermal mass (London)
SU2 - Utilisation of Thermal Mass (Newcastle upon Tyne)
UK Offshore Wind Supply Chain - Southern Region (Twickenham)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Manchester)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Manchester)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (Bristol)
B14 - Hotels (Workshop) (Birkenhead)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (LONDON)
B3 - Hybrid construction ( )
B7 - Basements (Basingstoke)
B7 & B8 - Basements & High-rise buildings (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (Cambridge)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
Olympic Site Tour (London)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course (Tuesday Evenings) (LEEDS)
SP1 - How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1: 2006 (Bradford)
SP1 - How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1: 2006 (Brighouse)
SP1 - How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1: 2006 (London)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (Hull)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (London)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (London)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (London)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (London)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (London)
The Shard (London)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (Reading)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (York)
B11 - Schools (Birmingham)
B7 - Basements (London)
Concrete Elegance: Visual Contrast and Spatial Creativity (London)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (LONDON)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (Stokesley)
SU1 & SU2 - The sustainability credentials of concrete & Utilisation of thermal mass (LONDON)
SU2 - Utilisation of Thermal Mass (London)
AR2 - The Code for Sustainable Homes - Case studies (Manchester)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Liverpool)
AR3 - Architectural Precast Solutions (Manchester)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (Basingstoke)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (London)
B4 - Post-tensioned slabs (LONDON)
B7 - Basements ( )
B7 - Basements ( )
B7 - Basements (LONDON)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Glasgow)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Peterborough)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (SOUTHAMPTON)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
Design of flat slabs including finite element analysis principles (Glasgow)
Specifying Concrete using BS 8500 (London)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (London)
SU1 & SU2 - The sustainability credentials of concrete & Utilisation of thermal mass (London)
SU2 - Utilisation of Thermal Mass (Lancaster)
SU2 - Utilisation of Thermal Mass (Leeds)
SU2 - Utilisation of Thermal Mass (London)
SU2 - Utilisation of Thermal Mass (Manchester)
SU2 - Utilisation of Thermal Mass (Stokesley)
The Concrete Fire Forum (London)
AR3 - Architectural Precast Solutions (Edinburgh)
AR3 - Architectural Precast Solutions (Leeds)
AR4 - Insulating Concrete Formwork construction (Liverpool)
AR6 - Basements for Housing (Leeds)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (Bedford)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (Windsor)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Concrete (Windsor)
Eurocode 2 - Beyond the basics (Glasgow)
Introduction to designing buildings using Eurocode 2 (Coleshill)
RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (London)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (Newark)
Sustainability Summer School (London)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Newcastle upon Tyne)
B4 - Post-tensioned slabs (Nottingham)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Concrete (Windsor)
Design of concrete foundations (CANCELLED) (Leeds)
Eurocode 2 - Beyond the basics (CANCELLED) (Coleshill)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (Sheffield)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete and SU3 - Principles of specifying sustainable conc
Zero Carbon Homes through fabric efficiency (London)
AR11 - Energy and Co2 Efficient Retrofit Solutions for Housing (London)
AR11 - Energy and CO2 Efficient Retrofit Solutions for Housing (LONDON)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Newark)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
B4 - Post-tensioned slabs (Basingstoke)
B4 - Post-tensioned slabs (LONDON)
B5 - Flat slabs (London)
B5 - Flat slabs (Nottingham)
B7 - Basements (London)
B7 - Basements (Windsor)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (HOVE)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (LONDON)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (LONDON)
CT1 & SU3 - Achieving visual concrete & Principles of specifying sustainable concrete (London)
SP1 - How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1: 2006 (London)
Accommodating movements in concrete structures (London)
AR1 - Thermal performance - Part L1a and The Code for Sustainable Homes - solutions (London)
AR10 - Landscape architecture (London)
AR11 - Energy and Co2 Efficient Retrofit Solutions for Housing (London)
AR3 - Architectural precase solutions (Stockport)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (CHESTER)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Liverpool)
AR4 - Insulating Concrete Formwork Construction (Lancaster)
AR5 - Fast Track Structures for Cellular Buildings (Manchester)
Assessing deflections in concrete slabs and beams (London)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (Basingstoke)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (Derby)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (London)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (Manchester)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (Portsmouth)
B1 - Building Design to Eurocode 2 (WARRINGTON)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (Woking)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode2 and B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (Glasgow)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (Glasgow)
B7 - Basements (London)
B7 - Basements (LONDON)
B7 - Basements (Nottingham)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Newcastle upon Tyne)
Case Study - One Hyde Park (London)
Concrete Elegance - New Education Buildings in London (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (Croydon)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (EPSOM)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
Design of flat slabs including finite element analysis principles (Coleshill)
Low Carbon Residential Solutions (Manchester)
SP1 - How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (Bristol)
SP1 - How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (LONDON)
SP1 - How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (Swindon)
SU1 -The sustainability credentials of concrete (Liverpool)
AR1 - Thermal performance - Part L1a and The Code for Sustainable Homes - solutions (London)
AR1 - Thermal performance - Part L1a and The Code for Sustainable Homes - solutions (London)
AR1 - Thermal performance - Part L1a and The Code for Sustainable Homes - solutions (London)
AR2 - TheCode for sustainable homes - case studies (Hull)
AR2 - Thermal performance - Part L1a and The Code for Sustainable Homes - case studies (Newcastle up
AR3 - Architectural Precast Solutions (Leeds)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Runcorn)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (Manchester)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 plus water retaining (Leeds)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (Chester)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (EPSOM)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (Glasgow)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (London)
B4 - Post tensioned slabs (York)
B5 - Flat slabs (RICKMANSWORTH)
B7 - Basements (LONDON)
B7 - Basements (New York)
Briefing Meeting: Concrete Gravity Foundations for Offshore Wind Farms (London)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (Cardiff)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (CROYDON)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (Liverpool)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (LONDON)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (Winchester)
Design of concrete foundations (London)
Design of flat slabs including finite element analysis principles (Leeds)
RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (Brighouse)
SP1 - how to specify durable sustainable concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (Leeds)
SP1 - How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (Altrincham)
SP1 - How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (Leeds)
SP1 - How to specify durable/sustainable ocncrete to BS8500-1:2006 (Perth)
Specifying Visual Concrete Conference (London)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (CHESTER)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (Liverpool)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (London)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (Sheffield)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete and SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (Edinburgh)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (Canterbury)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (HOOK)
SU3 - Principles of specifying sustainable concrete (London)
SU3 - Principles of specifying sustainable concrete (LONDON)
SU3 - Principles of specifying sustainable concrete (Windsor)
AR11 Energy and CO2 Efficient Retrofit Solutions for Housing (London)
AR2 - Thermal performance - Part L1a and The Code for Sustainable Homes - case studies (Newcastle up
AR5 - Fast Track Structures for Cellular Buildings (CHESTER)
AR8 - introduction to walling systems (LONDON)
B1 - Building design to Eurocdoe 2 (Newcastle Upon Tyne)
B17 - RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (York)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (LONDON)
B4 - post-tensioned slabs (RICKMANSWORTH)
B5 - Flat slabs (LONDON)
B5 - Flat slabs (LONDON)
B5 - Flat slabs (LONDON)
B7 - Basements (Glasgow)
B7 - Basements (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (Oxford)
Eurocode 2 - Beyond the basics (London)
Introduction to RC Detailing (London)
Masonry Design to Eurocode 6 (Coleshill)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course (Thursday Evenings) (LEEDS)
RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (Stirling)
SP1 - How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (Manchester)
SP1 - how to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (Newcastle Upon Tyne)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete (Newcastle upon Tyne)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete and SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (Manchester)
SU1 - The sustainability credentials of concrete and SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (SHEFFIELD)
SU1 - The sustainable credentials of concrete and SU2 - Utilisation of Thermal Mass (Edinburgh)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (London)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (London)
Zero Carbon Homes - Designing to meet current and proposed energy standards (London)
AR10 - Landscape architecture (London)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (CROYDON)
B15 - Introduction to RC detailing (EPSOM)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (Newcastle Upon Tyne)
Concrete Elegance: The Soffit and The Staircase (London)
Concrete Offshore Wind 2011 (London)
Concrete Offshore Wind 2011 € EURO PAYMENTS (London)
Concrete Offshore Wind 2011 Free Delegate Place (London)
Concrete Offshore Wind 2011 Half Day (London)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Concrete (LONDON)
CT1 - Achieving visual concrete (Winchester)
Introduction to designing buildings with Eurocode 2 (Ashford)
SP1 - How to specify durable/sustainable concrete to BS8500-1:2006 (Nottingham)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (CHESTER)
AR3 - Architectural Precast Solutions (Cleethorpes)
AR4 - Insulating concrete formwork (Hull)
Avoiding Cold Bridging with Concrete Structures (London)
B15 - Introduction to RC Detailing (York)
B4 - Post tensioned slabs (London)
B7 - Basements (RICKMANSWORTH)
Concrete Elegance - Exploring Spatial Quality and Natural Light (London)
Concrete in Buildings (HULL)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (HOOK)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Lincoln)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (LONDON)
Design of Concrete Bridges to Eurocodes (Norwich)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (Manchester)
SU1 & SU2 - Sustainable concrete & Utilisation of thermal mass (Edinburgh)
SU2 - Utilisation of Thermal Mass (Manchester)
AR1 - Thermal performance Part L1a and The Code for Sustainable Homes (London)
AR1 - Thermal performance Part L1a and The Code for Sustainable Homes (LONDON)
AR1 - Thermal performance Part L1A and The Code for Sustainable Homes (London)
AR2 - Energy efficient homes - case studies (Liverpool)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Edinburgh)
AR3 - Architectural Precast Solutions (Glasgow)
AR7 - Guide to concrete floors (Manchester)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (Cirencester)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (London)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (Witney)
B15 - Introduction to RC detailing (London)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Basingstoke)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (London)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (CROYDON)
B5 - Flat slabs (Brighouse)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Brighton)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (CHESHAM)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (LONDON)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (LONDON)
CT1 - Achieving in-stiu visual concrete (Witney)
Gravity Foundations - Offshore Wind - Environmental Workshop (Haywards Heath)
Infrastructure Client Briefing @ UK Concrete Show (Coventry)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (Cirencester)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (London)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (Liverpool)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (London)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (London)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (Edinburgh)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (London)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (Manchester)
Surface Design Show (London)
Sustainability Parliamentary Reception (London)
AR1 - The Code for Sustainable Homes -Energy Solutions (Leeds)
AR1 - Thermal performance Part L1a & The Code for Sustainable Homes (LONDON)
AR1 - Thermal performance Part L1a and The Code for Sustainable Homes (Windsor)
AR2 - Energy efficient homes - case studies (LONDON)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Edinburgh)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Liverpool)
AR6 - Basements for housing (London)
AR7 - Guide to concrete floors (London)
AR7 & AR8 - Guide to concrete floors & Introduction to Walling Systems (Edinburgh)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (CHESHAM)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (EPSOM)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (London)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode2 (LONDON)
B1 - Building designt o Eurocode 2 (Glasgow)
B1 & B17 - Building design to Eurocode 2 & RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Bishop's Stortford)
B15 - Introduction to RC detailing (Leeds)
B15 - introduction to RC detailing (LONDON)
B15 & B17 - Introduction to RC detailing & RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Croydon)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Brighouse)
B17 - RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (Cardiff)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Glasgow)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Leeds)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Leeds)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Leeds)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (York)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode2 (Stockton-on-Tees)
B4 - Post-tensioned slabs (Chesham)
B4 - Post-tensioned slabs (Liverpool)
B4 - Post-tensioned slabs (London)
B4 & CT1 - Post-tensioned slabs & Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
B5 - Flat slabs (Manchester)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (ST ALBANS)
CT1 - Achieving in-stiu visual concrete (London)
Ecobuild 2012 (London)
Eurocode 2: Beyond the Basics (London)
Hepworth Gallery: Achieving Visual Concrete (Wakefield)
Introduction to designing buildings with Eurocode 2 (London)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (Cardiff)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (Manchester)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (Solihull)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (Glasgow)
SU3 - Principles of specifying sustainable concrete (Westerham)
SU4 - Low carbon non-residential buildings (Cambridge)
AR1 - Thermal performance Part L1a & The Code for Sustainable Homes (Harrow)
AR1 - Thermal performance Part L1a and the Code for Sustainable Homes (RICKMANSWORTH)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Edinburgh)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (London)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (SHEFFIELD)
AR6 - Basements for Housing (London)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (Leeds)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
B15 - Introduction to RC detailing (Brighouse)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Leeds)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Stockton-on-Tees)
B17 - RC detailing to Europcode 2 (Nottingham)
B17 - RC detailling to Eurocode 2 (Newcastle upon Tyne)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (LONDON)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (Newcastle upon Tyne)
B5 - Flat Slabs (CROYDON)
Concrete Elegance - Refurbishment and Renewal (London)
Concrete Form, Finish, Texture & Colour (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (LONDON)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (LONDON)
Eurocode 2: Beyond the Basics, Thursday evenings (London)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course (Tuesday Evenings - 5 weeks) (London)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (Altrincham)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (CROYDON)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (Edinburgh)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (LONDON)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (Cleethorpes)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (Manchester)
AR1 - Thermal performance Part L1a & The Code for Sustainable Homes (London)
AR1 - Thermal performance Part L1a & The Code for Sustainable Homes (London)
AR1 - Thermal performance Part L1a & The Code for Sustainable Homes (Manchester)
AR11 - Energy & CO2 efficient retrofit solutions for housing (LONDON)
AR2 - Energy efficient homes - case studies (Deeside)
AR2 - Energy efficient homes - case studies (RICKMANSWORTH)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Edinburgh)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Newcastle upon Tyne)
AR4 - Insulating Concrete Formwork construction (CHESTER)
AR5 - Fast track structures for cellular buildings (Newcastle upon Tyne)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (London)
B1 & B17 - Building design to Eurocode 2 & RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (East Grinstead)
B15 - Introduction to RC detailing (Darlington)
B15 - Introduction to RC detailing (LONDON)
B15 & B17 - Introduction to RC detailing & RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Witney)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (CROYDON)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Nottingham)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (Castleford)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (LONDON)
B4 - Post-tensioned slabs (Glasgow)
B5 - Flat slabs (EPSOM)
B5 - Flat slabs (Newcastle upon Tyne)
B7 - Basements (Brighouse)
B7 - Basements (CHESHAM)
B7 - Basements (Sevenoaks)
Concrete Basements Seminar (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Hove)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 & AR3 & SU1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete & Architectural precast solutions & Sustainable
Delivering Gravity Foundations for Scotland's Offshore Wind Programme (Edinburgh)
Material Considerations for Sustainable Design of Residential Buildings (London)
RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (Liverpool)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (Darlington)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (East Grinstead)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (Winchester)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (London)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (LONDON)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (Cleethorpes)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (RICKMANSWORTH)
SU2 - Utilisation of Thermal Mass (Sheffield)
SU4 - Low carbon non-residential buildings (HITCHIN)
SU4 - Low carbon non-residential buildings (London)
SU4 - Low carbon non-residential buildings (London)
SU4 - Low carbon non-residential buildings (LONDON)
SU4 - Low carbon non-residential buildings (LONDON)
2nd International Conference on Flexible Formwork (BATH)
AR1 - Thermal performance Part L1a & The Code for Sustainable Homes (Guildford)
AR11 - Energy and CO2 efficient retrofit solutions for housing (London)
AR2 - Energy efficient homes - case studies (CHESTER)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Leeds)
AR4 - Insulating Concrete Formwork construction (Edinburgh)
AR4 - Insulating Concrete Formwork construction (Harrogate)
AR7 - Guide to concrete floors (LONDON)
B4 - Post-tensioned slabs (CROYDON)
B4 - Post-tensioned slabs (CROYDON)
B4 - Post-tensioned slabs (London)
B5 & B7 - Flat slabs & Basements (Lyndhurst)
B7 - Basements (East Grinstead)
B7 - Basements (EPSOM)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (LONDON)
CTX - Insitu & Precast Systems (London)
Introduction to RC Detailing (Brighouse)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (Edinburgh)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (Liverpool)
SU1 & SU2 - Sustainable concrete & Utilisation of thermal mass (Edinburgh)
SU1 & SU2 - Sustainable concrete & Utilisation of thermal mass (Newcastle upon Tyne)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (Deeside)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (London)
SU4 - Low carbon non-residential buildings (London)
Utilising masonry for thermal mass and low carbon buildings (Houghton Le Spring)
AR1 - Thermal performance Part L1a & The Code for Sustainable Homes (London)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Manchester)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Newcastle upon Tyne)
AR4 - Insulating Concrete Formwork construction (Newcastle upon Tyne)
AR7 - Guide to concrete floors (Southampton)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (Bristol)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
B15 - Introduction to RC detailing (Manchester)
B15 - Introduction to RC detailing (Manchester)
B15 & B17 & SP1 - Introduction to RC detailing & RC detailing to Eurocode 2 & How to specify durable
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Bristol)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Leeds)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (London)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Salford)
B4 - Post-tensioned slabs (Cambridge)
B5 - Flat slabs (Edinburgh)
B7 - Basements (Guildford)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Edinburgh)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Edinburgh)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (LONDON)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Ringwood)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Winchester)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (HITCHIN)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (LONDON)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (Manchester)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (Leeds)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (Liverpool)
AR1 - Thermal performance Part L1a & The Code for Sustainable Homes (Windsor)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Manchester)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (MANCHESTER)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Newcastle)
AR7 - Guide to concrete floors (LONDON)
AR7 - Guide to concrete floors (Northampton)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (Sale)
B15 - Introduction to RC detailing (Nottingham)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (ASHFORD)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Caernarfon)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Cheadle)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (London)
B4 - Post-tensioned slabs (EPSOM)
B7 - Basements (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (LONDON)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (LONDON)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (Manchester)
SU4 - Low carbon non-residential buildings (London)
AR2 - Energy efficient homes - case studies (Birkenhead)
AR2 - Energy efficient homes - case studies (HITCHIN)
B14 - Hotels and cellular buildings (London)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Edinburgh)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Sale)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (LONDON)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (Manchester)
B5 - Flat slabs (LONDON)
B7 - Basements (CROYDON)
B7 - Basements (London)
Building Study - Horizon Community College (Barnsley)
Concrete Elegance - The Art of Casting (London)
Post-tensioned Concrete Seminar (London)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course (Thursday Evenings - 5 weeks) (Manchester)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course (Thursday Evenings - 5 weeks) (Manchester)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (CHESHAM)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (EPSOM)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (Deeside)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (Liverpool)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (Newcastle upon Tyne)
AR10 - Landscape design (London)
AR2 - Energy efficient homes - case studies (Manchester)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Chester)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Deeside)
B14 - Hotels and cellular buildings (Manchester)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Warrington)
Close Up Design and Detail of Concrete Buildings (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (LONDON)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Portsmouth)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete workshop (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete workshop (London)
Decorative Finishes of Concrete (Oxford)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course (Tuesday Evenings - 5 weeks) (London)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (Edinburgh)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (London)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (MANCHESTER)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (Newcastle)
SU2 - Utilisation of thermal mass (LONDON)
SU4 - Low carbon non-residential buildings (Reading)
UK Manufacturing; the foundation for offshore wind energy - TCC, PRASEG & Crown Estate (London)
What's happening in the world of concrete (READING)
AR3 - Architectural precast solutions (Manchester)
AR6 - Basements for housing (London)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
B1 - Building design to Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
B15 - Introduction to RC detailing (LONDON)
B5 - Flat slabs (Sale)
B7 - Basements (London)
B7 - Basements (LONDON)
B7 - Basements (LONDON)
Best Practice in Concrete Construction (Glasgow)
Concrete Basements Seminar (Manchester)
Concrete Elegance - Intimate Spaces (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (LONDON)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Skipton)
Deflections in Concrete - fibUK joint technical meeting with IStructE (London)
Introduction to RC Detailing (Derby)
Introduction to RC Detailing (Stirling)
Introduction to RC Detailing (Stirling)
Introduction to RC Detailing (Stirling)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (LONDON)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (St. Albans)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (St. Albans)
SP1 - How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (St. Albans)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (Newcastle upon Tyne)
SU4 - Low carbon non-residential buildings (London)
SU4 - Low carbon non-residential buildings (London)
SU4 - Low carbon non-residential buildings (Winchester)
Sustainability Best Practice: a breakfast briefing (London)
AR1 - The Code for Sustainable Homes -Energy Solutions (Leeds)
AR1 - The Code for Sustainable Homes -Energy Solutions (Leeds)
B17 - RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Edinburgh)
B2 - Economic concrete framed buildings (LONDON)
Concrete Offshore Wind 2012 - Complimentary Pass (London)
Concrete Offshore Wind 2012 - Complimentary TCC Staff pass (London)
Concrete Offshore Wind 2012 (€) (London)
Concrete Offshore Wind 2012 (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (sevenoaks)
Introduction to RC Detailing (London)
SU1 - Sustainable concrete (London)
B2 - Economic Concrete Framed Buildings (LONDON)
Building Design to EC2 (EPSOM)
CT1: Achieving visual concrete (LONDON)
Economic Concrete Framed Buildings (LONDON)
Introduction to RC Detailing (Stirling)
RC Detailing to EC2 (CROYDON)
B15: Introduction to RC detailing & B17: RC detailing to EC2 (EDINBURGH)
B15: Introduction to RC detailing & B17: RC detailing to EC2 (Leeds)
B17: RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (EDINBURGH)
B17: RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (EDINBURGH)
Concrete Elegance: Low Energy Office Architecture (London)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Stockport)
CT1: Achieving visual concrete (London)
CT1: Achieving visual concrete (London)
CTI: Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
Decorative Concrete (London)
Delivering Visual Concrete (Birmingham)
Delivering Visual Concrete (Birmingham)
Housing Expo 2013 (London)
Infrastructure Clients Briefing 27-02-2013 (Birmingham,)
Introduction to RC Detailing (Reading)
Polished and patterned concrete floors (London)
RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
SP1: How to Specify durable and sustainable concrete (York)
B15: Introduction to RC Detailing (Guildford)
B4: Post-tensioned slabs (LONDON)
B7: Basements (Glasgow)
Concrete: Creative,Decorative, Innovative (LONDON)
Finite Element Analysis (CROYDON)
Introduction to RC Detailing (London)
Introduction to RC Detailing (London)
Introduction to RC Detailing (London)
RC Detailing to EC2 (Reading)
The Concrete Centre Seminars at Ecobuild 2013 (London)
The Concrete Centre Seminars at Ecobuild 2013 (London)
The Concrete Centre Seminars at Ecobuild 2013 (London)
B17: RC Detailing to EC2 (Guildford)
B17: RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (Bristol)
B17: RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (London)
B17: RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
B17: RC Detailing to Eurocode2 (London)
B5: Flat Slabs (Leeds)
B5: Flat Slabs (London)
B7: Basements (Newark)
Concrete Elegance: A European Focus (London)
Designing and Specifying Sustainable Concrete (London)
Innovative Concrete Construction (London)
Low Carbon Non-Residential Buildings (ST ALBANS)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course (Thursday evenings) (Newcastle upon Tyne)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course (Wednesday evenings, 5 weeks) (London)
RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (Coalville)
SU1 and SU2 – Specifying Sustainable Concrete and Utilising thermal mass (LONDON)
ARI- Thermal Performance + Code for Sustainable homes (London)
B1: Building design to Eurocode 2
B1: Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Newcastle upon Tyne)
B1: Building design to Eurocode 2 (South Queensferry)
B17: RC Detailing to Eurocode 2
B17: RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Warrington)
Building Design to Eurocode 2 (Newcastle upon Tyne)
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CTI- Achieving Visual Concrete & SU1- Sustainable Concrete (BRIGHTON)
CTI- Achieving Visual Concrete (LONDON)
High Thermal Mass for Passive and Active Cooling (London)
SP1: Specifying Sustainable & Durable Concrete (CROYDON)
SU4-Low Carbon Non-residential Buildings (LONDON)
AR1 Thermal Perfomance Part L1a & Code for Sustainable Homes (Weybridge)
B15: Introduction to RC detailing (Newcastle upon Tyne)
B17: RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Manchester)
B17: RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (York)
B7: Basements (CROYDON)
B7: Basements (Leeds)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Insitu Concrete (London)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (CROYDON)
CTI- Achieving Visual Concrete & SU1- Sustainable Concrete (London)
Good Practice Detailing for Sustainable Concrete Design (LONDON)
Good Practise Detailing for Sustainable Concrete design (LONDON)
Reinforced Concrete - Practical examples for Design and Detailing (London)
Risk Management of Gravity Foundations for Round 3 Wind Farms (London)
SU 1 Sustainable Concrete (Weybridge)
SU 4 - Low Carbon Non Residential Building (London)
SU4 - Low Carbon Non-residential Buildings (London)
AR1 - Thermal Performance and Code For Sustainable Homes (Norwich)
B17: RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Glasgow)
B17: RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (London)
B4: Post-Tensioned Slabs (London)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Manchester)
Hybrid Concrete Construction (CHESHAM)
Innovative Concrete Construction - TEST (London)
Introduction to Eurocode 2 (Basingstoke)
SU4 - Low Carbon Non-Residential Buildings (Weybridge)
AR2- Utilising Thermal Mass (Lewes)
B5: Flat Slabs (Bristol)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Insitu Concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Insitu Concrete (London)
Sustainable Concrete Summer School (Swadlingcote)
Achieving BREEAM Excellence (London)
Achieving Visual Insitu Concrete (London)
B17: RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Scarborough)
B2: Economic concrete framed buildings (London)
Concrete Elegance: Exploring Light and Spatial Creativity (London)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Insitu Concrete (London)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Bristol)
CT1: Achieving visual insitu concrete (LONDON)
Decorative Finishes For Concrete & AR5 Fast Track Cellular Construction (London)
High Performance Concrete (London)
Practical Design to Eurocode 2 (Hemel Hempstead)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design course (Thursday evenings, five weeks) (Birmingham)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course (Tuesday evenings) (London)
SP1: How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (MANCHESTER)
SP1: How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (Woking)
SU4 – Low Carbon Non-residential buildings (London)
AR3 - Architectural Precast Solutions (LONDON)
B15: Introduction to RC detailing (BIRMINGHAM)
B17: RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (Leeds)
B17: RCdetailing to Eurocode 2 (BIRMINGHAM)
Concrete Best Practice Roadshow - Glasgow (Glasgow)
Concrete Best Practice Roadshow - Manchester (Manchester)
Cost, Carbon and Concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Concrete Part 2 (London)
CT1- Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
Designing Homes for the 21st Century (London)
Gravity Foundations: Offshore Wind Scotland Conference (Edinburgh)
Reinforced Concrete Detailing to Eurocode 2 (London)
Resource Efficiency Action Plan Launch 2013 (London)
SP1: How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (London)
Structural Design of Tall Buildings Conference
Structural Design of Tall Buildings Conference & Dinners: Earlybird offer
Structural Design of Tall Buildings Conference: Earlybird offer
Tall Buildings Conference & Dinner: Earlybird offer
Tall Buildings Conference: Earlybird offer
Architectural precast concrete solutions
B1: Building design to Eurocode 2 (London)
B17: RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (Cambridge)
B5: Flat slabs (LONDON)
CAST - Innovations in Concrete (Glasgow)
Concrete Basements (Didcot)
Concrete Elegance: Textbook Tectonics - Schools for the 21st Century (London)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Insitu Concrete (London)
Developments in Structural Concrete (London)
Peter Campbell Biennial Lecture (London)
SP1: How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (Leeds)
SP1: How to specify durable and sustainable concrete and B4: Post-tensioned slabs (LEEDS)
Sustainable Concrete: reality vs perception webinar (London)
B2: Economic concrete framed buildings (London)
Concrete Offshore Wind Conference 2013 - Speaker (London)
Concrete offshore wind conference 2013 (€) (London)
Concrete Offshore Wind Conference 2013 (€) (London)
Concrete Offshore Wind conference 2013 (London)
Concrete Offshore Wind Conference 2013- free place (London)
Concrete Offshore Wind conference -Exhibitor (London)
B1: Building design to Eurocode 2 (Glasgow)
B15: Introduction to RC Detailing (Leeds)
B17: RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Derby)
B17: RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (Derby)
B4: Post-tensioned slabs (Glasgow)
Concrete Elegance: Learning Spaces (London)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course (Wednesday evenings) (London)
SP1: How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (London)
SP1: How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (London)
AR3 Architectural Precast Cladding (London)
B1: Introduction to EC2 (London)
B17: RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Sutton Coldfield)
B2: Economic concrete framed buildings (Glasgow)
B4: Post-tensioned slabs (LONDON)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (LONDON)
SP1: How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (Bristol)
SP1: How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (LEEDS)
Surface Design Show 2014 (London)
Achieving Visual Concrete: An expert panel (London)
B1/B17: Introduction to Design and Detailing to Eurocode 2 (Maidstone)
B1: Building design to Eurocode 2 (London)
B17: RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (London)
B7: Basements (Glasgow)
Ecobuild 2014 (London)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course (Tuesday evenings) (LEEDS)
SP1: How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (Glasgow)
Specifying Sustainable Concrete (London)
Strut and Tie (CROYDON)
AR3 Architectual Precast Concrete (London)
B2: Economic concrete framed buildings (York)
B4: Post-tensioned slabs (London)
B5: Flat Slabs (Glasgow)
Concrete Elegance: Buildings for Concerts and Council Tax (London)
Driving Technology Development and Enabling Investment in Offshore Wind (London)
Innovating with Ferrocement (London)
Reinforced Concrete Detailing to Eurocode 2 (London)
AR3: Architectural precast solutions (Bristol)
B1: Building design to Eurocode 2 (Leeds)
B15: Introduction to RC detailing (Glasgow)
B2: Economic concrete framed buildings (Nottingham)
Concrete connections - fixings, fasteners and precast connections (London)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Cambridge)
CT1: Achieving insitu visual concrete (London)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (LONDON)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Norwich)
Designing Buildings with Precast Concrete (Leicester)
Pancras Square, King’s Cross: exemplars of sustainable office design (London)
Reinforced Concrete Detailing to Eurocode 2 - Repeat session (London)
SP1 Specifying Durable and Sustainable Concrete (CROYDON)
Thermal Performance: Fabric solutions for energy and carbon efficiency (Manchester)
Achieving Visual Insitu Concrete (London)
AR3: Architectural Precast Solutions (London)
B2: Economic Concrete Framed Buildings (Solihull)
B7: Basements (CROYDON)
Conference, evening dinner & accommodation (NORTHAMPTON)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
Fabric First Event (Birmingham)
SU1: Specifying Sustainable Concrete (London)
SUDSsource Conferenc (EO) (NORTHAMPTON)
SUDSsource Conference (D) (NORTHAMPTON)
SUDSsource Conference (D) (NORTHAMPTON)
SUDSsource Conference (DA) (NORTHAMPTON)
SUDSsource Conference (DEO) (NORTHAMPTON)
SUDSsource Conference (E) (NORTHAMPTON)
SUDSsource Conference (NORTHAMPTON)
SUDSsource Conference (S) (NORTHAMPTON)
B1: Building design to Eurocode 2 (Birmingham)
B1: Building design to Eurocode 2 (Birmingham)
B1: Introduction to Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
B15: Introduction to RC detailing (CROYDON)
B4: Post-tensioned Slabs (Glasgow)
CT1 - Achieving visual insitu concrete ( London)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Insitu Concrete (London)
CT1 - Achieving Visual Insitu Concrete (LONDON)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CT1: Visual Concrete (CROYDON)
SU1- Specifying Sustainable Concrete (London)
Visual Concrete - precast and insitu (Stratford)
B17: RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (CROYDON)
B17: RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Glasgow)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Slough)
Achieving colour and texture in concrete (Dover)
B1: Building design to Eurocode 2 (CROYDON)
B2: Economic concrete framed buildings (LONDON)
B4: Post-tensioned slabs (LONDON)
B5: Flat Slabs (Birmingham)
B5: Flat Slabs (Didcot)
B7: Concrete Basements (Woking)
Concrete Basements to Eurocode 2 (London)
Design of Concrete Basements to EC2: Organised by The Institution of Structural Engineers, South Eas
Designing with Concrete for Whole-Life Performance (London)
Economic Concrete Framed Buildings (London)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course (Wednesday evenings) (London)
SP1: How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (Birmingham)
Sustainable concrete: Practical guidance for specification of low energy buildings (Hampshire)
B1: Building design to Eurocode 2 (London)
B15: Introduction to RC detailing (London)
B2: Economic concrete framed buildings (Warrington)
B5: Flat Slabs (LONDON)
B7: Concrete Basements (Birmingham)
Concrete Elegance (London)
Concrete Elegance: Home Brew - focus on self build architecture (London)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (LONDON)
Introduction to Thermal Mass webinar (London)
Low Maintenance Highway Pavements (Birmingham)
Structural Design of Tall Buildings Conference
Structural Design of Tall Buildings Conference
Structural Design of Tall Buildings Conference
Structural Design of Tall Buildings Conference
Structural Design of Tall Buildings Conference
Structural Design of Tall Buildings Conference
Structural Design of Tall Buildings Conference - deleted
B1: Building design in Eurocode 2 (BASILDON)
B17: RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (London)
B4: Post-tensioned slabs (RICKMANSWORTH)
B7: Concrete Basements (Forest Row)
BREEAM 2014 and Concrete Buildings (London)
CT1: Achieving cast in situ visual concrete – An introduction (London)
Design and construction considerations for sustainable concrete (Watford)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course (Tuesday evenings) (LEEDS)
Achieving cast in-situ visual concrete (London)
AR3 Architectural Precast Solutions (London)
B15: Introduction to RC Detailing (LONDON)
B17: RC detailing Eurocode 2 (York)
Concrete - The Weird and Wonderful (London)
Concrete Elegance: Focus on Higher Education Buildings (London)
Concrete Offshore Wind Conference 2014 (London)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Birmingham)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Birmingham)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (London)
CTI - Achieving Cast in-situ concrete + Architectural Precast (Loughton)
Achieving Visual Concrete (London)
B1: Building design Eurocode 2 (Birmingham)
B17: RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
B5: Flat Slabs (Woking)
Concrete Elegance 2015 (London)
Practical Design to Eurocode 2 (BEDFORD)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course 2015 (London)
Specifying Concrete - An introduction (London)
B15: Introduction to RC detailing (EDINBURGH)
B15: Introduction to RC detailing (EDINBURGH)
B2: Economic concrete framed buildings (London)
B5: Flat slabs (LONDON)
Cost and Carbon Webinar (London)
Precast Concrete Solutions (London)
Surface Design Show 2015 (London)
Sustainability Credentials of Concrete webinar (London)
Sustainable concrete: Design solutions for low energy and material efficient office buildings (Londo
AR3 - Architectural Precast Solutions (London)
Architectural Precast Solutions (London)
B4: Post - tensioned slabs (LONDON)
Concrete and Masonry Pavilion at Ecobuild 2015 (London)
Concrete and Masonry Solutions in Scottish Construction (Falkirk)
CTI - Achieving cast insitu concrete (London)
Ecobuild 2015 (London)
Launch of the Concrete Industry Performance Report (London)
Post-tensioned Floors (London)
SP1: How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (LONDON)
Creating in Concrete (London )
CT1 - Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Cambridge)
CT1: Achieving visual concrete (London)
Designing Resilient Homes (London)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course 2015 (Tuesday evenings) (LEEDS)
B17: RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (Woodbridge)
B2: Economic concrete framed buildings (Glasgow)
Concrete Elegance: Ireland to Islington: tales of finish and form (London)
Concrete, BREEAM and Home Quality Mark (London)
Engineering Concrete Solutions: Design Guidance and Analysis methods (London)
Reinforced Concrete Detailing to Eurocode 2 (London)
Webinar series (London)
Achieving visual concrete cast insitu webinar
B17: RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (Bristol)
B17: RC Detailing to Eurocode 2 (Steetley)
Concrete Basements Webinar (London)
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete (Rosyth)
Fire design to Eurocode 2, Shrinkage and Crack control (Glasgow)
Global Offshore Wind (London)
Global Offshore Wind 2015 (London)
Reducing overheating in new homes webinar
Reinforced Concrete Detailing to Eurocode 2
Specifying Sustainable Concrete
B1: Building design to Eurocode 2 (London)
B1: Introduction to EC2 (LONDON)
B2 economic concrete frames (Northampton)
B2: Economic concrete framed buildings (Bristol)
B5: Flat slabs (ST ALBANS)
Promoting Concrete and Masonry: An Industry Workshop (Birmingham)
RC Spreadsheets:Top tips for designing with concrete
Specifying Concrete to BS 8500 (London)
Sustainable Concrete: Practical guidance for specification of low energy buildings (Oxford )
B2: Economic concrete framed buildings (LONDON)
Concrete Centre: How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (London)
Test Event (London)
B15: Introduction to RC detailing (Leeds)
Concrete Elegance: ‘A robust education’ Creating places of learning with concrete (London)
Concrete Elegance: A robust Education (London)
CT1: How to achieve visual concrete (London)
CTI - Achieving cast insitu concrete (London)
CTI + AR3 : Achieving cast insitu concrete and architectural precast solutions (London)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course
SP1: How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (London)
SPI: Specifying durable and sustainable concrete (CAMBRIDGE)
Structural Design of Concrete Tall Buildings (London)
AR1: Thermal performance (London)
B17: RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (Sutton Coldfield)
Concrete Best Practice Roadshow - Glasgow (Glasgow)
CT1 - Achieving visual cast insitu concrete (Birmingham )
CT1 - Achieving visual cast insitu concrete (LONDON)
Enduring performance - Design considerations for future proofing buildings (London)
Modern Masonry: Housing Insights 2015 (Birmingham)
Special Concretes Webinar (London)
Webinar series
Achieving Material Efficient Construction with Concrete (London)
AR1: Thermal performance - Part L1A and Thermal mass (London)
B4: Post-tensioned slabs (HITCHIN)
Concrete Basements webinar
Concrete Best Practice Roadshow - Leeds (Leeds)
CT1 Visual Concrete (London)
Designing resilient homes (London)
Designing Resilient homes using concrete and masonry (London)
Designing with Insulated Concrete Formwork webinar (London)
Resource Efficient Concrete Frames webinar (London)
SP1: How to specify durable and sustainable concrete (Sutton Coldfield)
B15: Introduction to RC Detailing (LONDON)
B17: RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (EDINBURGH)
Concrete Elegance: ‘Curves and Creativity' Contemporary visual concrete using innovative techniques
CT1- Achieving cast insitu visual concrete (London)
CT1: Achieving cast in situ visual concrete (London)
Post-tensioned Concrete Design Course (London)
Whole life CO2 – Concrete buildings webinar (London)
B1: Building design to Eurocode 2 (Cardiff)
Concrete and BREEAM (LONDON)
Concrete Elegance: At home with concrete (London)
CT1 & SU1 - Sustainable visual concrete (LONDON)
CT1- Achieving cast insitu visual concrete (London)
CT1: Achieving cast insitu visual concrete (Kingston upon Thames)
B17 RC detailing to Eurocode 2 (LONDON)
Practical Eurocode 2 Design Course (London)
Surface Design Show 2016 (London)
AR3 - Architecture Precast Concrete
Concrete and Masonry Pavilion Fringe Events (London)
The Concrete Centre Seminars at Ecobuild 2016 (London)
Sustainability Series 2024
Week 1: Measuring and reporting carbon
Week 2: Lower carbon concrete technology
Week 3: Concrete's role in a circular economy
Week 4: Sustainability - beyond carbon
Sustainability Series 2023
Week 2: Precast concrete and MMC
Week 3: Low carbon concrete
Week 4: Housing and masonry
Week 5: Efficient design and circular economy
Week 6: Exploring environmental and social outcomes
Sustainability Series 2022
Week 2: Lean and material efficient design
Week 3: Energy
Week 4: Decarbonising cement and concrete
Week 5: Low carbon concrete
Week 6: Sustainable precast concrete and masonry
Specifying Sustainable Concrete
CQ archive
Publications library
A Design Guide for Footfall Induced Vibration of Structures
A Review of Marine Environmental Considerations Associated with Concrete Gravity Base Foundations
Basements for Housing
Basements: Costs
Basements: Ground Gases and Structural Waterproofing
Basements: The Hidden Potential
Basements: Thermal Performance
Best Practice Guide for Hybrid Concrete Construction
BS 8102:2022 An overview of changes to basement waterproofing guidance
Comparison of embodied carbon in concrete structural systems
Concept Design Tool - Version 5
Concise Eurocode 2
Concise Eurocode 2 for Bridges
Concrete and BREEAM
Concrete and Fire Safety
Concrete and Flooding
Concrete Assurance
Concrete Basements
Concrete Bridges
Concrete Buildings Scheme Design Manual to Eurocode 2
Concrete Buildings Scheme Design Manual - BS 8110 version
Concrete Floor Solutions for Passive and Active Cooling
Concrete Footbridges
Concrete Frame
Concrete Frames Explained
Concrete Futures, spring 2024
Concrete Futures, spring 2023
Concrete Futures, spring 2025
Concrete Futures: Decarb Nation
Concrete Futures: Remixed
Concrete Gravity Foundations for Offshore Wind
Concrete Logistics
Concrete Quarterly: summer 2023
Concrete Quarterly: technical compendium 2020-2021
Concrete Quarterly: Visual Concrete Focus
Concrete Solutions for Wind Tower Foundations
Concrete Structures 10
Concrete Structures 2005
Concrete Structures 6
Concrete Structures 7
Concrete Structures 8
Concrete Structures 9
Concrete Tall Buildings
Concrete Towers for Onshore and Offshore Wind Farms
Concreting for improved speed and efficiency
Cost Model Study - Commercial Buildings
Cost Model Study - Hospital Buildings
Cost Model Study - School Buildings
Concrete Quarterly Focus 2022
CQ Focus: Housing
CQ Focus: Reuse
Design and Construction using Insulating Concrete Formwork
Design of Hybrid Concrete Buildings
Designing for Safer Concrete Structures
Dynamic Thermal Properties Calculator
Early Age Concrete Strength Assessment
Early Age Construction Loading
Early age strength assessment of concrete on site
Early striking and improved backpropping for efficient flat slab construction
Economic Concrete Frame Elements to Eurocode 2
Embodied carbon of concrete – Market Benchmark (2023)
Embodied carbon of concrete – Market Benchmark (2024)
Fire Performance: assessing concrete structures for reuse
Flat slabs for efficient concrete construction
Formwork for Modern Efficient Concrete Construction
Guidance Document - Basements for Dwellings
Hospital Construction
Hospital Floor Vibration Study
How to achieve acoustic performance in masonry homes
How to achieve good levels of airtightness in masonry homes
How to design concrete buildings to satisfy disproportionate collapse requirements
How to Design Concrete Structures to Eurocode 2 - The Compendium (Second edition)
How to design concrete structures using Eurocode 2: BS 8500 for building and civil structures
How to design concrete structures using Eurocode 2: Detailing
How to design masonry structures to Eurocode 6
How to design reinforced concrete flat slabs using Finite Element Analysis
Hybrid Concrete Construction
Hydraulically-bound Mixtures for Pavements
Improving concrete frame construction
Improving rebar information and supply
Insulating Concrete Formwork
Insulating Concrete Formwork (ICF)
Lessons Learned from the Barratt Green House
Life cycle carbon analysis of a six-storey residential building
Making Better Use of Recycled Concrete
Masonry Construction Explained
Material Efficiency
Model Specification for the Design & Performance of Post-tensioned Concrete Floors
Multi-storey Concrete Car Parks
Office Cost Study
Offsite Concrete Construction
Designing to Avoid Overheating
Performance of Concrete Structures in Fire
Post-tensioned Concrete Floors
RC Spreadsheets V4D - 100 user licenses
RC Spreadsheets V4D: 10 user licences
RC Spreadsheets V4D: 200 user licenses
RC Spreadsheets V4D: 50 user licences
RC Spreadsheets V4D - Update for licence holders
RC Spreadsheets V4D: single user licence
Practical Yield Line Design
Prefabricated punching shear reinforcement for reinforced concrete flat slabs
Project Profile - Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre
Properties of Concrete for use in Eurocode 2
Rationalisation of flat slab reinforcement
RC Spreadsheets V4 - Trial
RC Spreadsheets V4D: 300 user licenses
Reducing carbon and cost of reinforcement
Remediating Brownfield Land Using Cement and Lime
Basements: Waterproofing
Residential Cellular Concrete Buildings
Shed Structures: a new approach
Special concretes
Specifying Sustainable Concrete
Specifying Sustainable Concrete: Aggregates
Specifying Sustainable Concrete: BS 8500
Specifying Sustainable Concrete: Key considerations for specifying lower carbon concrete
Specifying Sustainable Concrete: Reinforcement
St George Wharf Project Overview
Structural Design of Concrete and Masonry: a compendium of technical papers
Strut-and-tie Models
Summary of 2017 Concrete Performance Indicators
Summary: Marine Environmental Considerations Associated with Concrete Gravity Base Foundations
Specifying Sustainable Concrete: Supplementary Cementitious Materials
Tall Buildings
TCC 8500 spreadsheet
The 14th Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report
The Essential Guide to the Remediation of Brownfield Land
The Ninth Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report
The Thirteenth Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report
The Twelfth Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report
The World Recast
Thermal Mass Explained
Thermal Mass for Housing
70 Years of Concrete Quarterly magazine
New Ideas and Good Ideas That Never Get Old magazine
Ahead of the Game magazine
Ten Years, Ten Insights magazine
The Feelgood Factory magazine
The Shape of Things To Come magazine
Secrets of a Long Life magazine
Specifying Sustainable Concrete: Using 56 Day Concrete Strengths
Utilisation of Thermal Mass in Non Residential Buildings
U-values for concrete and masonry external walling systems and materials
Visual Concrete
Whole-life Carbon and Buildings
Worked Examples to Eurocode 2
Zero Carbon Performance - cost-effective concrete and masonry homes
Concrete Compass
Climate change resilience
Health and wellbeing
Energy efficient buildings
Eurocode 2
Low carbon concrete
Market benchmarking
Material efficiency
Circular economy
Offsite concrete construction
Concrete Futures
Design tools and software
Cost and Carbon: Concept V5
RC Spreadsheets: V4D
RC Spreadsheets: V4D6 contents
Dynamic thermal properties
Passive design assistant
Resources for students and lecturers
Architecture resources
Student Design and Sustainability Competition
Previous Winners
Engineering resources
Structural Concrete Competition
Student Design Competition Q&A session
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Previous winners
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