AR1: Thermal Performance and Part L1A
This seminar considers the design strategies affecting the thermal performance of the fabric of new homes and how to achieve and exceed required energy and CO2 requirements using a range of concrete and masonry solutions. It includes principles of design related to airtightness, insulation, thermal-bridging and thermal mass, as well as strategies for passive cooling to avoid overheating.
AR3: Architectural precast solutions
Providing guidance on the design possibilities of architectural precast and glass reinforced concrete (GRC) cladding, including explanation of finishing techniques and specification for a range of colour, texture and form.
AR7: Concrete floors
This seminar provides an overview of the different types of concrete floor constructions available to enable designers to make informed choices regarding the design of internal, separating and ground floors. Includes guidance on acoustics, thermal performance, visual appearance and construction methods.
AR12: Exposed concrete of internal and external floors
Providing design and specification guidance for exposed concrete floor surfaces, internally and externally. It includes the range of techniques available for finishing, texture and colour.
CT1: Achieving in-situ visual concrete
Practical guidance to understanding the natural materials and methods for achieving cast in situ visual concrete. Includes guidance on specification using BS 8500, the National Structural Concrete Specification edition 4 (NSCS 4) and BS EN 13670; selection of materials and formwork; the importance of benchmarking and reference panels and workmanship.
SU1: Sustainable concrete
This seminar provides guidance for specifying sustainable concrete including design and construction considerations for buildings with low whole-life carbon. It includes responsible sourcing, use of low carbon cements, recycled aggregates, and tips for achieving material efficiency.
SU2: Utilisation of thermal mass
This seminar provides an explanation of principles and design techniques in both housing and non-residential buildings. Discusses future-proofing for rising temperatures, passive solar design, embodied and in-use CO2 emissions and guidance for using SAP calculations.
SU5: Concrete and BREEAM 2014
Guidance on the latest versions of BREEAM New Construction (2014 & 2018), with particular reference to the use of concrete. Focus on achieving credits in concrete from the reduction of energy use and green guide ratings, EPD’s and recycled aggregates, adaptation to climate change; material efficiency, durability and resilience.
HG1: Resilient Homes - NEW
This seminar provides guidance on design and construction of homes using concrete and masonry to improve resilience. It considers practical strategies for addressing climate change over the life of a building including overheating and flooding. Other topics covered include resilience to fire, acoustic insulation and thermal performance.
HG2: High Performance Housing - NEW
With the Code for Sustainable Homes now withdrawn, this seminar provides an overview of current and emerging standards related to the fabric performance of new homes. It provides design principles for a range of current and innovative construction systems available for UK housing using concrete and masonry, including masonry, ICF systems and off-site solutions.