TCC 8500 spreadsheet

Publisher:MPA The Concrete Centre

The TCC 8500 spreadsheet simplifies the specification of concrete to BS 8500 by allowing the user to input the exposure classes, design strength and cover. The spreadsheet then highlights the limiting values required to satisfy the durability requirements for given cement types. All the exposure classes are covered – carbonation, chlorides, sulfates and freeze thaw attack. In the latest version of BS 8500 the different cement types are collated into combined performance categories (CPCs) depending on their ability to resist sulfate and chloride attack. The results from the TCC 8500 spreadsheet give the CPCs that will meet the required resistance.

The TCC 8500 spreadsheet is similar to the suite of design spreadsheets that The Concrete Centre has been maintaining since they were introduced in 2000, in that it can be interrogated easily and it is simple to input and play around with the required solution.

The current version of TCC 8500 is V1.0, released in February 2025. The spreadsheet is currently a Beta version - if you'd like to provide comments on the spreadsheet, ahead of its final launch, please send to